“Do you have time to stand still, do you have time to look, see, hear their story”

Upcoming events

12.6. - 28.8 2022 Joint exhibition at Välke Merimasku rantamakasiini 17.-30-4.2023 exhibition in Gallerie Pleiku, Berlin

Antte(Anne-Mari) Kerkola

VISUAL ARTIST (YAMK) I was born in Kuopio, Finland 1967 | I live and work in Naantali and Korpijärvi (Lapinlahti) I find my artistic inspiration from my surroundings and nature, its colors, shapes, lines and structures. However, I don’t directly copy what I see, but let the vision and experience grow into mindscapes and atmospheres. Sometimes materials and techniques can lead the artwork process to new paths. Subconsciously, in my artwork, I cover my relationship with nature and my surroundings. I also want to remind people how we are just a part of nature and nothing more than that. CV



Antte Kerkola
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Upcoming events

12.6. - 28.8 2022 Joint exhibition at Välke Merimasku rantamakasiini 17.-30-4.2023 exhibition in Gallerie Pleiku, Berlin



Antte Kerkola




Antte(Anne-Mari) Kerkola

VISUAL ARTIST (YAMK) I was born in Kuopio, Finland 1967 | I live and work in Naantali and Korpijärvi (Lapinlahti) I find my artistic inspiration from my surroundings and nature, its colors, shapes, lines and structures. However, I don’t directly copy what I see, but let the vision and experience grow into mindscapes and atmospheres. Sometimes materials and techniques can lead the artwork process to new paths. Subconsciously, in my artwork, I cover my relationship with nature and my surroundings. I also want to remind people how we are just a part of nature and nothing more than that. CV eng

Antte(Anne-Mari) Kerkola

Kuvataiteilija YAMK Olen syntynyt Kuopiossa 1967 | Asun ja työskentelen Naantalissa sekä Korpisilla Innoitukseni teoksiini haen lähiympäristöstä ja luonnosta, sen väreistä, muodoista, viivoista sekä rakenteista. En kuitenkaan suoraan kopioi näkemääni, vaan maalatessa näkeminen ja kokeminen saavat muuttua enemmän mielenmaisemiksi tai tunnelmiksi. Joskus myös materiaalit ja tekniikat saavat kuljettaa teosta uusille urille. Alitajuntaisesti käsittelen teoksissani omaa luontosuhdettani ja suhdettani ympäristöön, mutta haluan myös muistuttaa siitä, että ihmisinä olemme yksi osa luontoa, emme enemmän CV fin
Antte Kerkola 2021
+358 40 7529657